
Friday, October 01, 2004


I didn't watch the debate. I went to see the Dodgers. The Dodgers won. And I heard Kerry won. (Unless you're one of those delusional Bush-drones that hates America, freedom and the truth.)

I haven't posted lately because my academic life has been wicked hectic. Since my last post, I made a test for a history class, graded the same test for 120 students, finished the first chapter of my master's thesis, spent three days researching a brand new topic for a presentation on the Reconstruction press in Mississippi, started gathering material for a lecture on the Phillipine Insurrection, and other assorted things. Whew!

Not that there isn't plenty to post on. I started a new blog, Mushtown Media Corp. Information Services. I plan to link to good political and informational sites and I will also provide descriptions of these sites. I'm still working on it, but it's already operational. It will be very easy to get to from this site. You can always find the link to MMC Information Services at the left side of this site, under the staff box.

The Dodger game was fun. It was great that they won, and the way they did it - with a home run in the 11th inning - was really exciting and it was one of the best times I ever had at Dodger Stadium.

But the best thing about the night was a very surreal political moment that I won't soon forget.

We were sitting in the pavillion, the cheap seats, where all the rowdy people sit and fight each other for stray balls during batting practice. The Dodgers hosted a tribute to Tommy Lasorda, and the announcer directed our attention to the big screen above left field. David Letterman and Jay Leno both made a few good-natured jokes about Tommy. And then ...

And then, the President himself, George W. Bush, was up on the screen. His head was thirty feet high. And somebody in the cheap seats started booing. And it took about a half-second before the entire pavillion (including me) was booing the president.


I hate to say it, but it was great! I felt a little bad for Lasorda. It was supposed to be his moment, when his years of service and devotion to the Dodgers were acknowledged. But I didn't feel bad for very long. I realized that there are millions of people in this country who could have spoken for Lasorda and spelled out his accomplishments. (Bush went on forever.) They could have chosen someone else other than one of the most divisive and cowardly figures we have ever seen in American politics.

Booing the president wasn't very classy, but it was fun. I might even feel bad about it if the president ever develops a conscience.

Honestly? I'm not too worried about that.


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